Thursday, December 17, 2009


I admit that it's been difficult to go into the Word and to be consistent with my quiet times. This isn't a really good post for a quiet time but here it is anyway. Lately, all I've been wanting to read in the Bible are the Gospels for reasons unknown to me. I decided to do Lectio Divina on Luke 24 on the road to Emmaus. I'm not going to go into details about what it's about so you all will have to read it if you're curious. Immediately when I reached v. 32 it caught my attention. This is what Luke 24:32 says:
They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"
This pretty much opened my eyes to the passion and fire that has weakened over the semester. I think I have been denying this and thinking that I was okay, instead I was pushing myself harder just to get through the rest of the semester. It's like I was just getting things done quickly without putting much effort in it. That was my attitude at work, school and even in AAIV. Basically, my spiritual life has been really dry.

Anyway, going back to the passage...
How their hearts burned just being in the presence of Jesus (even when they didn't know it was him) and listening to the Scripture is what I'm yearning for at the moment. This is how quiet time should be like!

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