Sunday, December 13, 2009

luke 12:22-34

I encountered this passage this past week again reflecting over my past gig, and getting ready to prepare for the next. Titled, "Getting Perspective" Jesus challenges us not to worry about basic needs in life and instead to take another look at where our treasure (aka heart) is. This was actually one of the busier weeks I've had, getting ready for finals and 15 deadlines, literally! I was quickly glancing through our previous gig and thought back to the discussion we had last Friday about our programmed selfishness, and how God still trusts us to find our treasure in Him. Amazing. I feel that past all of the "school" there's more in our lives that clouds God in my life. It's easier to say school is busy and keeping me from Him, but I started thinking about my TREASURES in life, not just things that are keeping me too busy.

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