Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What do I want? (part 2)

John 5:1-9
This is a story many of us are familiar with, but revisiting it today definitely proved that the scripture is the breath of the LIVING GOD and that it is ALIVE, changing to fit our circumstances to give us the message from God (from Urbana: Sunder Krishnan). God does meet us where we’re at.

This is the story about the pool of Bethesda. From time to time, an angel would stir the water and the first person to enter the pool would be healed of all diseases. Unfortunately, there's was an invalid man who waited for 35 years, but could not enter the pool because on his own. Jesus approaches and asks "Do you want to get well?" and the man answers yes and get healed.

Personally for me, I love Jesus’ grace part. Jesus is the one who approaches the invalid man out of grace and initiates everything by asking the man the question “Do you want to get well?” Jesus took the first step in approaching us! All we have to do is answer with a YES! While I was at Urbana Mission’s Conference, I was reminded that God wants to bless us, but because we do not ask he can’t.

I feel God calling me to pray a lot more. I know that he wants not only to get in a closer relationship with us, but also to bless us and so, as the new semester starts, I will ask God for his blessings both academically and spiritually and hopefully through this, I will be able to experience his awesomeness and receive his blessing!

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